The role of digital marketing as a tool for creating and sustaining competitive advantage
Oyekunle, Taiwo
Issue Date
MSc in Digital Marketing
Dublin Business School
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Chapter 1 has designed to describe introductory part of this research based on digital marketing and background of canella pharmacy, Ireland. This chapter has identified several pharmaceutical challenges of Ireland which are very prominent. Lastly, significance of this study has been highlighted on customers, company and research. In order to sum up the findings, researches have presented a summary which gives a complete idea of this chapter in a nutshell. Chapter 2 is designed to explain literature reviews and conceptual framework of this topic. Research has gone through latest published articles and journals in order to get latest research findings with less manipulation of data. Moreover, years are filtered in this case. Literature reviews are done on digital marketing, its tools, implications in pharmaceutical industries and its advantages. Chapter 3 deals with the methodology chapter which is one of the crucial chapter to determine the direction of the study, based on this chapter the data collection and a data analysis are preceded. In this study which proceeded with interpretive research philosophy with a deductive approach. Both primary and secondary methodology has been preceded to conduct the whole study. The Chapter 4 of the study deals with the data analysis and interview. The data that has been collected through the interview and the survey has been analysed thoroughly and the market trend has been gathered. Additionally, a thematic analysis has also been done which is very helpful for analysing the data that has been collected. Chapter 5 has overall described the actual result and the detail of the gained factors of the implementation of the digital marketing tools in the Pharma industry. The objectives have been clearly proved on the basis of the primary and secondary analysis. Chapter 6 deals with the recommendations and conclusions for this specific study. Different implications of findings have been retrieved in this segment. Besides this, there are some research limitations also has been discussed in a certain manner. Some of the future scopes of this study also get identified in an organized manner with having relevancy with the objectives.