An investigation to analyse the factors influencing the intentions to consume plant-based yogurt in Ireland using the theory of planned behaviour
Veliz Vasquez, Carla Ingrid
Issue Date
Masters in Business Administration
Dublin Business School
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The plant-based food is a market that is growing worldwide, the products are gaining popularity. Moreover, the environmental problems and the healthy issues are making people more tempted to change their diet to one more healthy reducing and substituting the consumption of milk, meat, etc. One of this is the plant-based yogurt (PBY) elaborated with the fermentation of nuts (oats, soy, etc) Using a quantitative approach, this study explored Irish consumer behaviour towards the intention to consume PBY using the theory of planned behaviour. Specifically, analysing which factors of the theory are likely to impact on the behaviour to consume PBY. It was intended that this would give a view behind the reasons why the market is growing from the perspective of consumers. Participants (N = 49) completed a survey on factors potentially influencing the purchase of PBY. The results indicate that age and the construct of ‘attitudes’ had a significant influence on the intention to consume PBY. The research also revealed that knowledge of health and environmental benefits also had a significant impact on the intention to consume the product. This information is useful for the foodservice industry and for producers.