I believe; I can : the relationship between religiosity, general self-efficacy and locus of control


Byrne, Peter Francis

Issue Date



Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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The research, grounded in the psychological debate on the positive or negative evaluation of religion, provided quantitative data analysis on the relationships between religiosity, general self-efficacy and locus of control for a convenience sample from 4 targeted countries (n=1158). English and Spanish versions of demographics, General Self-Efficacy (GSE), Brief Locus of Control (LOC) and Religious Orientation Scale Revised questionnaires were the research instruments. Results showed an overall significant small positive relationship between GSE and Intrinsic Religiosity (r(972)=.172; p<.01). Intrinsic Religiosity and internal LOC showed a significant small positive relationship (r(1007)=.174; p<.01). The expected gender differences in intrinsic religiosity did not emerge whereas cultural differences did. A specific type of religiosity, intrinsic, appears to correlate positively with a variable that is indicative of a constructive self-belief; general self-efficacy. These results suggest that the distinction intrinsic/extrinsic religiosity in correlational studies with variables from social cognitive theory may help to clarify the positive or negative influence of religion on psychology. Author keywords: Religiosity, intrinsic religiosity, general self-efficacy, religion
