An investigation into the applicability of corporate Mergers and Acquisition issues and processes to smaller Irish private company transactions.
Condron, Joseph Michael
Issue Date
MA of Business Studies
Dublin Business School
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This paper examines some of the issues and the processes that arise in Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions activity crossing international borders. A number of these issues and processes have been selected for this study namely the Business Plan, Searching, Negotiating, Valuation, Deal Structuring, Due Diligence, Transition & Integration, Planning a Successful Sale, Advisors. The Author explores the legitimacy and existence of these issues and processes in the wider arena of international corporate Mergers and Acquisition activity in recent times. The Author then investigates the applicability or otherwise of these issues and processes to recent transactions involving small Irish private company disposals. The investigation incorporates (i) a survey of recently performed Irish private company transactions by exponents in the area (ii) a case study examination of a recently disposed Irish private company. The results arising out of the survey and case study provided clear evidence that these same issues and processes arose and were dealt with at a predictable stage in the transactions of small Irish private companies. In conclusion it was found that all these issues and processes arise and form part of centre stage whether the picture is that of a mega international cross-border corporate takeover or whether it is the disposal of a small Irish privately owned company / family business. They are as applicable in the smaller context as they are in the larger context.