Self-objectification, body shame and instagram use, and the moderating effect of active commitment to feminism
Burns, Maeve
Issue Date
BA (Hons) in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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The current study examined the relationship between self-objectification, body shame and Instagram intensity among a group of 101 Women aged between 20 and 69 from Ireland. Furthermore, this study examined whether these relationships were moderated by an active commitment to feminism. The study also examined whether there was a statistically significant difference in self-objectification or body shame depending on the participants primary motivation for Instagram use. The study employed a between both a between subjects and a correlational design. This research used four quantitative self-report scales questionnaires to gather the data, The Instagram Intensity Scale, The Self-Objectification Questionnaire, the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale and the Feminist Identity Composite. Contrary to previous research, the results demonstrated a negative directional relationship between self-objectification and body shame and between Instagram intensity and body shame which was not hypothesised. Results of the study are interpreted and measured against previous literature, strengths and limitations for the current research are acknowledged and there are suggestions for further research put forward, considering the novel results achieved from the data analysis carried out.