The power of music. Can mood change as a result of emotions induced by music?


Gibbons, Sarah

Issue Date



Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology


Dublin Business School.


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Research has continuously explored the relationship between music and emotion. This study aims to replicate and further this by investigating the effect of happy and sad music on inducing emotions and subsequently altering the mood of adolescents in Ireland. Additionally, the role of personality in inducing emotions will be investigated. A convenient sample of 50 secondary school students participated in a mixed design experiment using self report measures. A questionnaire booklet wasgiven to participants which consisted of scales to indicate their personality (Big Five Inventory), their mood pre and post exposure to one of two musical excerpts (Brief Mood Introspective Scale) and the emotions evoked as a result of listening to music (Geneva Emotional Musical Scale- 25).The experimental conditions were happy and sad musical excerpts from film. The results verify that there are significant differences in emotions induced by happy and sad music. Results also showed that a correlation exists between conscientiousness and emotions evoked by music. Furthermore, it was found that sad music evokes more negative feelings than happy music. Implications for future music and mood studies are raised concerning the length of the musical excerpts and the sample size.
